Encouraged Writer Reset ( LIVE!)

Welcome to The Encouraged Writer Reset: A 21-Day Email Retreat to empower you to reclaim your worth and unleash your writing potential. SUMMER LIVE! with a private Facebook Group!

Have you struggled with feeling "less than" as a writer? Unequipped? Not special?

Do you skulk away and hide when you compare yourself with other writers?

Are you covered under a cloak of the fear of rejection?

If you find yourself nodding in agreement, you're likely grappling with feelings of inadequacy, questioning your ability to express your thoughts through your writing—be it a book, a blog, or an article.

The constant self-talk, the doubts that echo in your mind—"I'm not an expert in this," or "No one will take me seriously as a writer"—it's time to shed the weight of this negativity and let your soul soar like a butterfly.

Writer Friend, my deepest desire is to help you embrace your true value, both as an individual and as a writer. 

I understand your struggle because I've faced those same demons. As Kim Steadman, the leader of the Write More, Write Now writing group, I've witnessed writers battling self-doubt and emerging victorious. My journey began with a personal tragedy, the passing of my mother-in-law, who feared her words would die with her. Sadly, they did. This ignited the creation of Write More Write Now, a space to encourage others to pen their thoughts and stories.

Over the years, I've mentored many writers who, with courage, prayer, and support, achieved remarkable milestones:

  • Wrote guest posts in magazines
  • Launched their writing careers writing for others
  • Experienced the thrill of being published in collaborative anthologies
  • Discovered their writing niches
  • Successfully self-published books

Their secret? Acknowledging self-doubt, overcoming hang-ups, and simply doing it.

Now, it's your turn.

If you resonate with feelings of not being good enough, comparing yourself unfavorably to other writers, or feeling like a fraud, it's time to pause and reflect on the impact your words could have if you believe in yourself. Look at what some of the past participants have had to say.

Your burning desire to write is a gift from your creator, and if fear is holding you back, seeking help is the key. The Encouraged Writer Reset is designed to help you cherish your worth, believe in yourself, and flourish in the confidence needed for writing victories.

How it works:

For 21 days, you'll receive Daily Mindset Prompts in your inbox, guiding you through personal reflections and actions. This retreat is for you if you're ready to:

  • Transform Your Thoughts (Proverbs 23:7, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”)
  • Take Consistent Action
  • Feel Good About Yourself
  • Make an Impact in the World

If you're a Kingdom Writer, answering the call to writing action, this program is tailor-made for you. The diversity among writers is vast, akin to the flowers on a hillside, each beautiful in a unique way. Join my writing family, and let me encourage, nurture, and help you reset your heart, mind, body, and soul so you can write your words now! Some who have gone through the email series likened it to a retreat. It was a special time for them as they dove into the journal prompts.

This email series is NOT:

1. Learning writing techniques

2. A critique group

3. A place to brainstorm book ideas, character development, or cover choices

This is about the heart, mind , and soul of your writing world.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much time commitment is needed? How much time do I need daily? On average, you’ll need about 15-20 minutes a day for this. I encourage you to make this commitment to yourself and block time on your calendar for your reset.

What’s your refund policy? Sorry, but The Encouraged Writer Reset is non-refundable. When you join, I expect you to commit to your reset. I believe in what I teach, because I’ve seen writers over the years have personal breakthroughs. Please take it seriously. You’ll have my support and encouragement through the process, but it’s your responsibility to take the daily action.

I have had the blessing of shepherding Kingdom writers in my group for several years. We've had times of laughter, crying, bearing each other's burdens, and helping each other brainstorm ideas. The connection in our Write More Write Now group is strong. The emails in this series are bits and pieces I shared with the Write More Write Now group during 2017-2018. Authors have RAVED about the clarity and breakthrough they received. I pray it brings you clarity as well!

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